
Get free V-Bucks in Fortnite

No one can deny that Fortnite is one of the most popular games in the world, not only among the youngest, but also among adults. There are many movies and series that, at some point, refer to this Epic Games title. Fortnite is a game that we can download for free, play without any limit and without having to spend a single euro. If we want to buy skins for our character, we need paVos, the official currency of this game.

If we compare the price of Fortnite coins with other titles such as Apex Legends, PUBG or Warzone, to name the most popular battle royale, the Epic title is the cheapest of all. This does not mean that the skins are worse than those of other titles, quite the contrary, since this title is currently based on adding new skins, mainly from current series or movies.

Despite the fact that the price of V-Bucks in Fortnite is much cheaper than in other titles, there are many users who are looking for a way to get them for free and search the internet and YouTube how to achieve their goal. Unfortunately, none, absolutely none of the methods that we can find on the internet to get free V-Bucks using a supposed game BUG or using a web page, works.

Do not bite, none works

The Fortnite V-Bucks is the only source of monetization that the game has, without counting the commercial agreements that Epic Games reaches with the series and movies it promotes, so it is impossible that there is any BUG or miraculous trick to earn V-Bucks. for free without doing anything.

Free V-Bucks Fortnite

Other YouTube videos that are sometimes shown in the form of ads in front of a Fortnite video that are not related to the theme of earning free V-Bucks, do not invite you to visit a web page from where we can indicate the amount of V-Bucks that we want to load. in our Fortnite account. These web pages have two purposes.

  • Steal our account. During the process to recharge paVos in our account, we are invited to enter the name of our account together with the password, data that goes to the friends of others and that allows them to enter our account and change the email address to which the account is associated, so we will lose the account and all the money we have invested in it.
  • Obtain our credit card information. Other web pages, under the pretext of verifying that we are over 18 years of age, invite us to enter our credit card number to, finally, not get what we were looking for. The only thing we have achieved is to hand over our card details to hackers who will use it to make charges on it.

If we have handed over our credit card details, the only thing we can do is cancel the card quickly. If we have delivered our account data and if it is not too late, we must change the access password.

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