
Has the radar caught you? With this hack you can get rid of the fine

We can fall into multiple offenses when we drive and more if we take the car regularly on a day-to-day basis. Sometimes because we are in a hurry, other times due to forgetfulness or simply due to ignorance, we are exposed to some traffic violation almost without realizing it. It is more than likely that many of you already know first hand, unfortunately, that one of the most common traffic tickets is for speeding.

It is true that when we exceed the speed limit on the roads we drive on, we run many risks today, and we are no longer talking about fines. However, in the event that we have received one for this reason, we may be able to get rid of your corresponding payment. That doesn’t mean we don’t have to respect the speed limits, quite the opposite. With everything and with this, we will talk about a claim that you can present to free yourself from a speeding ticket.

This is something that perhaps we can achieve thanks to regulations that are unknown to the majority of citizens and that we can use right now. Actually, we are talking about a law that was approved in 2020 and that you may be interested in knowing if you find yourself in these circumstances.

This trick will allow you to get rid of speeding tickets

Obviously, if we are not professionals in the legal sector, in most cases we do not know much of the current laws. In this one that concerns us in this specific case, in Annex XII, Appendix I, the law says that the speed cameras that are in charge of measuring our speed and do not have an operator present, will be required to have at least two photos of the infraction.

The truth is that, in most cases, the radars that we find on the road are not controlled by any operator in person. Basically, they are in charge of taking the photo automatically in the event that they detect that we are driving at a speed higher than the allowed one.

plead fine

What perhaps most of you do not know is that by law those automatic speed cameras They should take at least two pictures. Obviously these are the two graphic tests that should reach us together with the fine as such as a test.

However, as a general rule, as we have been accustomed to for years, we only receive the fine for the infraction together with a photo of the vehicle on the road. This means that based on the law that we have mentioned, we will have the possibility of appealing that fine for not receiving the two intakes and that the infraction is invalidated. In this way we could get rid of the cost of the fine, although we repeat, this does not mean that we have to exceed the limits established on the road.

These allegations can be carried out online through our web browser from the official website of the DGT.

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