
I have changed the site router and this has happened

How Wi-Fi improves by changing the location of the router

I’m sure many of you are in a similar situation. You contract Internet for the first time, perhaps many years ago, and you put the router in an area of ​​the house where it is less in the way or easier to carry out the installation. Maybe you even had a desktop computer in one room years ago, but now you mostly connect from somewhere else.

All this can make the location of the router, the one you gave initially, today is not good. If you connect wirelessly, maybe the coverage is not good or you do not have the speed that you would like. But you can improve this with a small change of location.

In my case, the router was in another room further from where I actually connect with others today. devices over Wi-Fi. Although the signal arrived, the coverage was more limited and the speed was not the best. Even with some point devices I had problems if I got too far away.

When changing the router to a most central zone from the house, closer to where I’m actually going to use the Wi-Fi signal, everything has improved. I have better coverage, more speed and there are no problems connecting a tablet or television, which are usually the devices that have the worst coverage compared to a computer or mobile.

Change to improve Wi-Fi speed

Connect equipment by cable, another option

but beyond improve wireless network By changing the router location, you can also connect wired devices. If, for example, you usually work from a laptop, you may be more interested in always connecting it by Ethernet cable and not by Wi-Fi, to gain stability and also speed.

When you move the router to another place, you will have more accessible power connect wired devices. It is true that Wi-Fi networks today are more powerful and can almost be compared to cable with the latest standards, but it is still better to use cable for certain uses, such as watching streaming content from a television.

But if you are going to change the router of place, avoid making some mistakes. For example, do not place it near devices that may generate interference, nor next to walls or thick walls, and whenever possible, place it in a raised area, such as the top of a piece of furniture. This will better distribute the wireless connection.

In short, as you can see, changing the location of the router can be very useful to improve the connection, have better coverage and speed. Whenever you can, plant yourself an area where you can make the most of it. Especially now that we have more and more connected home automation devices, it can come in handy. You can see the best locations for the Wi-Fi router.

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