One of the existing problems of the Nintendo system is the fact that many games come incomplete, in the sense that it is necessary to download extra elements and the 32 GB of the standard model or the 64 GB of the new OLED version are not enough. However, while all memory cards look the same, not all of them are the best option for the hybrid console. That is why we are going to teach you to choose well the MicroSD for Nintendo Switch.
As time has gone by, the differences in time between the different memories have been increasing. In the 80s the speed difference between the ROMS of the cartridges and the RAM memory was null and, therefore, many games were executed from them and only used the little random access memory for temporary variables. In the 90s the CD-ROM arrived and with it the need to dump information into the system memory in order to work. However, Nintendo laptops have long had the ability to download games from the internet onto a MicroSD and run them from there. However, you have to know how to choose.
How to choose the MicroSD for your Nintendo Switch
You will already know that there are many memory cards, this is due to the different standards that have been released and that differ in speed. Obviously, when buying a MicroSD for Switch, the first thing we think about is getting the most amount of storage for the lowest possible price. Then this ends up being an error, since we run into Very high installation and update times, along with excessively long loading screens.
The idea is that the games, regardless of whether we load them from a game card or from the MicroSD that work the same. It is important that these are of the SDXC type of the UHS-1 type with a transfer speed of 60 or 95 MB/S. What makes the Video Speed Class are the most suitable for the console. And no, it’s not that the others don’t work, they do.
In any case, some additional advice:
- If you can’t afford a high-priced MicroSD for Switch, then try to are of the type Speed Class 10 at least, if you are not going to find cards that can drop below 10 MB / s of bandwidth. Which can be annoying between game screens.
- 64 GB is not enough, 128 GB is a little tight, so 256 GB in size is ideal.
- There is nothing more tedious than having a moment to play and having to wait for an update that takes forever. Believe us that the experience of using the console changes a lot with the appropriate MicroSD.
In any case, we are going to clarify that the performance of the games will not improve, we will simply see less waiting in the load between scenarios. Something that in certain games is appreciated.
Also for your Steam Deck
The Steam Deck also has a MicroSD slot from where we can expand the storage without having to open the console. The same logic that we have used to recommend a MicroSD for Switch applies and with more reason to the Valve console.
Best MicroSD for Switch and Steam Deck
Well, two different models, the first one is a prograd career carde is designed to record high-resolution video and photos and has a writing speed of 130 MB/s, which is more than what the console supports and you won’t have any problems installing games or updating them to the latest version. lightning fast.
As for the second model, we have opted for a cheaper one, a class card 512 GB/s microSDXC type V30 from Lexarwhose speed fluctuates between 30 MB/s and 150 MB/s. The best? Its price. It’s not quite as fast as the previous model, but it’s great if you’re looking for storage.