The Santévet Group, specialized in health insurance for companion animals, has incorporated a new employee care system in which it offers two paid days off in case of adopting a petleave known internationally as Pawternity leave, and one day in the event of your death.
In this way, all Santévet employees, both in Spain and in the rest of the countries in which the company operates, may request the Pawternity leave at the time of adopting a pet. This license offers workers two paid days off in the three months following the adoption of the animal, to receive it in its new home and help it adapt to its new space and family.
In addition, the company also offers a paid day off for all those workers who have lost their pet. With this measure, Santévet acknowledges mourning at his death.
“The first days of an animal’s life in its new home are vital for its development and for it to feel like one more member of the family. For this reason, it is essential to be with him and promote this integration through the accompaniment of his owners. We are very proud to be one of the first companies in Spain to offer this permit to our employees. With this type of policy we continue to promote the values that characterize us so much: innovation and commitment to animals and society”, explains Hugues Salord, CEO and founder of Santévet.
This new policy comes to the Spanish headquarters of Santévet in a time when the animal issue has become a national priority. Spain has been at the head of Europe in dropout figures for years, according to a study. The document estimates that in 2021 more than 285,000 animals arrived at the shelters, a figure that translates into 700 daily abandonments.