
Prevents the house from getting cold when turning off the heating

To have a good temperature in winter, something we usually do is use central heating. We have multiple radiators in the house and it allows us to have a temperature that we have set. But of course, when we turn it off, the house begins to cool down. But it can cool down more or less depending on the mistakes you make or whether or not you use some of the advice that we are going to give you. Therefore, we are going to explain how prevent the house from getting cold when turning off the heating. At least try that the temperature does not drop quickly.

Tips to prevent the house from getting cold without heating

Maybe you have the heating a few hours a day and decide to turn it off so you don’t spend so much. For example when night approaches, since we really don’t need to sleep at 20 or 21 degrees, but a few less. But the interesting thing is to try to extend the residual heat to the maximum and that the temperature does not drop, also in order to consume less the next day when it has to be heated again.

Improves thermal insulation

Something fundamental is that you improve the thermal isolation. It is the most important of all. Be especially careful with larger windows and doors. Any opening will cause cold air to enter from the outside and that at night will undoubtedly cause the temperature to start to drop a lot.

You can install double glazed windows with good insulation. But if you do not want to make a large investment, you can install insulating rubber for windows. It is very cheap and easy to install. You can put it in any window and you will notice that less air enters and they are properly sealed.

You can also lower the blinds during the night. That will help cover us a little more from the cold. Using carpets will also help us lose less temperature.

Reduces the passage of air from colder rooms

It is possible that during the day you do not put the heating in the whole house. This is really interesting if, for example, there are areas of the house that you don’t usually use. You don’t need to keep those radiators on and you can save energy by keeping them off and only opening the ones you care about.

The idea in this case is prevent the passage of air from rooms they may be colder. For example, if in those rooms you have not turned on the radiators or if they have windows and they begin to cool down before the rest of the house. You can close the doors and ensure that the temperature of one place and another does not mix.

Use a radiator or specific stove

When you turn off the heating, the temperature will start to drop. Although the objective is to prevent this from happening quickly, we can say that it is inevitable that in winter we will see that the temperature decreases. But something that can help us is to install some radiator or stove in a timely manner.

Perhaps during the day you want the whole house to maintain 19-20 degrees and have the heating on throughout the room. But maybe at night, when you turn off the heating, you are especially interested in keeping the temperature in certain places. You can help yourself with a low consumption radiator for the bathroom, the room where you sleep, the dining room or any place you need. You will not spend as much as keeping the heating on all the way and you will be able to better maintain the temperature in that place.

Save light when using stoves or radiators

Avoid ventilating the house at the wrong time

This is common sense, but it should be remembered. Ventilate housing is important. It’s something you should do every day for at least a few minutes. But of course, you should not make mistakes since just when you ventilate the house is when you can notice that the temperature drops drastically in a matter of minutes.

Our advice is not to ventilate the house when you have turned off the heating, which is usually in the evening. Try to ventilate the house in the central hours of the day, when the outside temperature is higher. That will help you not to let in so much cold air and the temperature not drop.

In short, these tips can help you maintain the temperature at home once you turn off the heating. At least you can make it not go down quickly and you can also save energy for when you need to reheat the house and you don’t have to raise the temperature so many degrees.

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