
That’s how easy you can use your Alexa device anywhere

Alexaor rather, the Amazon Echoare one of the best-selling technological devices in the world, however, they have a problem, and that is the need to be permanently connected to the electrical network, which makes them quite useless as a speaker or portable assistant.

However, there are solutions for everything, and that is why today we are going to see the best portable bases compatible with your device, you will have Alexa with battery!, so you can disconnect it from the light and take it wherever you want without any cables or problems. You will no longer have to wait 2 minutes for it to connect when you want to shower and take it to the bathroom, you won’t even have to take the charger.

So you can have Alexa with battery

There are many portable bases that we can attach to our Alexa, although it will depend primarily on the model we have, as well as how large and expensive the battery is. Although there are countless varieties, prices and qualities, today, we are going to leave you some examples of how they work, their design and what they usually cost, so that you can get an idea of ​​whether this product may interest you or not. .

Echo Dot 3 Base

We start with this base, special for the older Echos, we will have it in two capacity options, the first and smallest with 5,000 mAh, the second and dedicated to people looking for more autonomy with up to 10,000 mAhthe double.

Their prices are not particularly cheap, although the service they offer us is very interesting, up to 9 hours of continuous playback if we choose the 5,000 mAh one and up to 16 hours with the 10,000 mAh one, and given the price difference, I would go for the latter.

Echo Dot 4 and 5 base

This other product, adapted to the most recent generations Echo, is also ideal, its function is the same as the previous product, however, its basic battery already has 10,000 mAh that will support up to 24 hours of autonomy in Stand-Byso we wouldn’t worry even if the power went out, although obviously we would be left without WiFi, but we could continue using it by sharing data with a mobile phone, for example.

Echo Show 5 Base

In case you have a Echo with screen, you also have options, like this one here, which is also cheaper than the previous ones. The only thing we have to keep in mind is that, obviously, depending on its use, the battery level could be drastically reduced, when using a screen that the previous ones do not have, so it is advisable to lower the brightness to the maximum and use the lowest ones. possible functions that activate it. It is compatible with both the first and second generations of this device.

If you have another model or are simply looking for another style, capacity or price, on Amazon you have a lot of variety, so you will only have to take a look and choose the one that best suits you. There are also these types of products on other pages, however, being an Amazon device, it is easiest to find it from here.

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