
the secret weapon of Apple employees

Apple store employees want to unionize and are turning to Android smartphones to communicate in the greatest secrecy.

Between Apple and Android, the battle has been raging for years to dominate the world of smartphones. Everyone puts forward their arguments and the Apple brand often evokes respect for the privacy of iPhone users. Still, some Apple Store workers have decided to turn to Android smartphones to keep their organizing efforts secret. Unhappy with their working conditions, they believe their wages have not kept pace with inflation and would be willing to file paperwork with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). This agency is responsible for conducting trade union elections and carrying out surveys in the world of work.

According to washington post, US employees earn between $17 and $30 an hour and receive between $1,000 and $2,000 in stock. These salaries are close to those that can be found in the sector, but Apple occupies a special place. The company is posting record results and is one of the most profitable companies in the world.

Use Android smartphones, an idea from Genius

Faced with the situation, some employees decided to use Android smartphones to raise the issue of unionism. They communicate via encrypted messaging and are now wary of the iPhone. Indeed, these employees fear that the firm of Tim Cook uses his famous phone to spy on them.

Right now, staff at at least two Apple Stores are reportedly ready to spring into action. We also learn that at least six other shops are being organized. The creation of a union in a Starbucks establishment would be a source of inspiration for the employees of Cupertino.

These revelations may come as a surprise as Apple regularly criticizes its privacy competitor. The fear of employees regarding possible espionage also raises questions about the methods of the American company. In 2019, a former Apple employee accused the company of spying on his private messages; even though he was still under contract. “To further intimidate any current Apple employee who would dare to consider leaving Apple, Apple’s complaint shows that it monitors and reviews its employees’ phone calls and text messages, in a startling and disturbing invasion of privacy. . »said Gerard Williams, former architect of the iPhone chips.

An embarrassing affair for a company that used the slogan “What happens on your iPhone stays on your iPhone”. According to Bloomberg, Apple is trying to ease tensions by giving raises to its salespeople and technicians. It remains to be seen whether this will be enough to curb these attempts at unionization.

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