
These are the advantages of having a smart home, is it worth it?

Advantages of home automation for your home

Home automation allows us to facilitate the management of houses in certain functions and household tasks, through smart devices. They allow us to control the light, the air conditioning, certain aspects of cleaning, personal care, entertainment, even to keep the garden clean and tidy. All this is becoming more accessible, because the prices of the devices are within the reach of more and more people. But, What benefits can home automation give us?

energy saving

efficient home

It is one of the aspects that may be of most interest today, due to the great increase in electricity prices. Through home automation we can manage things such as electricity, water and gas services, to try to save and that the electricity bill does not become a problem. This happens because many times the use we give to the devices is not the most appropriate.

With some smart devices, we can control and program almost any device that we have plugged in at home, so that they will only be working when necessary. This can help generate savings of around 80%, as long as it is applied to everything that depends on a plug in our house.


This is one of the greatest advantages that we can find in home automation, and we often think of this as reducing housework. This can contribute to greater well-being or that the time we have throughout the day can be used optimally, leaving minor tasks to these devices.

The most common are cleaning devices, such as robot vacuum cleaners, which can be programmed so that every so often they clean the floor once in a while. Kitchen robots to program when we want to have the food ready, or a virtual assistant to be able to tell it what we need to buy, and have it make us a shopping list on our mobile.


Security systems

Security systems are increasingly present in our homes, and they can do it in many different ways and not only as far as the house is concerned, but also what it contains. With intelligent security systems, we can control improper access, or generate alerts to police services, emergencies or specified contacts.

To do this, we can install cameras, microphones, lights or motion sensors, all designed so that if a problem appears or something happens that it shouldn’t, we have the house insured as much as possible.


This can also go hand in hand with comfort, since having the house fully controlled from a mobile device without having to be in it can bring many benefits. Such as programming the heating so that when we arrive we have a suitable temperature, programming the kitchen robot, or creating communication systems within the home.

Home automation scheme

All this can be done both with mobile phones and by programming voice commands in the assistants, these assistants such as Alexa, Google or Siri can be installed directly on smartphones.


Home automation and health can go hand in hand, since it can help us in many different aspects, and with a variety of devices. Although we normally think of facilities for the elderly, we can also install devices that help all the inhabitants of a house.

In recent times, with teleworking more implemented than ever, it can help us create healthier work spaces where the lighting is adequate for our eyes depending on the time of day. Or air purification systems so that the environment does not get too loaded.

As you can see, home automation can benefit us in many different things in our day to day life, and it is foreseeable that this will increase over the years, and the development of current technology, and the appearance of a new one that will surely cover new needs.

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