
What you need to learn to work as a Project Manager, one of the most successful profiles

In recent years, most companies have created jobs with very specific names that are not associated with any university degree, such as Community Manager, but for which it is necessary to have a series of knowledge that, without a doubt, are very valuable to perform. One of these is the Project Manager.

This is precisely one of the jobs most in demand by companies, not just technology, but by any other large company that is launching commercial products on the market. A Project Manager is basically a project manager, that is, the figure of the company in charge of creating, planning and executing a project, a project that is generally related to services or products that will reach the market.

Although it is true that many university degrees have been adapting to new technologies, if we want to learn this profession, we can not do it through the usual academic training, but we have to do one of the different courses that we can find on the internet. Of course, although it is not necessary, if we have a university degree, the number of opportunities to find a Project Manager job are much broader than simply taking a course.

Project management

Project Manager functions

The main function of the Project Manager is to carry out a project within a certain period. But, in addition, you must also analyse, before embarking on the project, the feasibility that it may have in the market, study the personnel resources and means necessary in the form of applications, identify and solve problems that arise during development, coordinate the different teams that can be part of a project and effectively manage financial resources assigned to carry out the project.

The best way to gain experience in the position of Project Manager is by actively working on projects to get to know how they work, the work methodology and how to effectively deal with problems that may arise during their development.

Obtain a certificate as a Project Manager

As we have commented above, to have a certificate that allows us to work as a Project Manager, it is not necessary to have a university degreeHowever, it is of great help since it reduces the number of requirements necessary to obtain the corresponding accreditation. Also, if we already have experience in similar positions, with or without a university degree, it will be easier and it will take less time.

In addition to a university degree, it is also necessary to complete a master’s degree in project management (the basis of this job position), and obtain the Project Management Professional or PMP certification). The training necessary to obtain this certification can be done comfortably without leaving home through the different courses that we can find online and that include a valid professional certification to apply for jobs where a project manager is sought.

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