To make it easier for us to always have our operating system always updated to the latest version, Microsoft allows us to have Windows automatically take care of its download and installation so that we do not have to do them ourselves manually. In this way, we ensure that we always have the latest version available. However, we can frequently find a problem, and that is that Windows takes a long time to install these updates, something that can make us despair.
Windows has three types of updates, such as those of security, which are responsible for solving problems related to vulnerabilities and failures. We also find the updates cumulative that are responsible for improving operating system functions. Finally, count on the updates greater, which are generally held once a year and which implement major new features and improvements to the system.
Major updates, the cause of the problem
When it comes to installing updates, security and cumulative updates should be quick as they don’t usually take up a lot of space. Therefore, the main problem we are going to find with the major updates. These are released roughly every six months, and it can take hours until we complete the installation process. This is due to the extensive process they must go through. Also, before installation the system create a backup It occupies about 30 GB, which takes a long time to generate. This will allow us to restore the copy in case something goes wrong within 10 days.
Along with the sheer size that major upgrades support, there are also other factors that can influence installation time to drag on forever. One of these reasons is that Microsoft’s servers are down if there are many users trying to download at the same time. In addition, the process can become slower if we have a full hard drive or a slow connection.
Windows is slow to update, what can I do?
If we notice that Windows takes too long to update, we must do some checks. On the one hand, we make sure that our internet connection speed is the right one and we have no problem that affects an even slower download. Likewise, in the event that we have the hard disk full or close to its maximum capacity, it is advisable to do a cleaning as this also affects the working capacity of the system.
Finally, we may have some problem with Windows Update. This could cause updates that are being installed incorrectly to force Windows to roll back the changes. Therefore, we can go to the Settings> Update and security> Windows Update section and review the entire update history. This way we can verify that they are all installed correctly.