
You can’t miss this in your home if you want to save light

For save on electricity bill You can take into account many different tips, such as controlling the devices, changing the rate or adjusting the temperature. In this article we are going to talk to you about something that cannot be missing in your home if you aim to pay less each month. You will see that it is very simple and it can come in very handy for you to save money. This, together with a series of good practices that you can always apply, will be of great help.

A smart power strip, ideal for saving light

He phantom consumption It’s all you spend without realizing it. It is estimated that it can represent about 7-10% of the total monthly expense. For example, it is when you leave the red LED on the television on, which means that it is in Stand By. Also when you connect a game console, video player or speakers and leave them plugged in even if you are not using them.

Even if it is a small consumption, the sum of everything can be quite a lot. You can consume a significant amount each month and you could easily save. For this, the ideal is to have a smart power strip. You will connect the devices to it and you will be able to decide when to turn them on or off in a simple way.

If we go back to the example of the television, you will not only be able to connect the TV to the power strip, but also other devices that are nearby and that are related to the Smart TV: a video player, game console, speakers, controls… Simply by pressing a button on the strip, all will automatically disconnect from the light.

But the good thing about smart power strips is not only that you can turn it on or off from anywhere, but you can also decide which devices are still on. Unlike the traditional ones, you will not necessarily have to turn everything off at once.

You can see some options:

Plugs with Wi-Fi also help save

Another device that can also help you save a lot of electricity at home are the smart plugs with wifi. The first reason is because you will be able to decide when to turn something on or off. For example, you could turn off a stove or air conditioner from outside the house, in case you forgot to do it.

You will also be able to adjust the exact time you want something to be on. In addition, you can program the stove to turn on so that the house warms up when you arrive and thus avoid leaving it on for too long.

But beyond what we mentioned, a smart plug can also have a consumption meter. It basically means that you will be able to see how much a specific appliance consumes. You can even compare the different modes and see which consumes less to know how to save. This will help you have more information and consume less electricity at home. Connection is essential, so sometimes you’ll need to troubleshoot if Wi-Fi isn’t showing up.

As you can see, you can save on the electricity bill if you have these devices in your home. Having a power strip to suddenly turn devices off and on or having a smart plug is a good idea. They are cheap devices, easy to use and offer a very wide range of options.

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