
devices that you can make smart

The goal of home automation is facilitate everyday tasks. You can even automate them in some cases. You will be able to have control of the devices no matter where you are, be able to see how much they consume or save energy. There are very sophisticated options, but also others that are much simpler.

Home automation devices

Turning your home smart is a process that can take time. You can start with specific devices, to gradually expand to more. This will help you achieve greater control in your daily life, better manage the turning on and off of devices and make changes, even if you are away from home.

Light bulbs

A clear example of devices that you can home automation are light bulbs. We all have light bulbs at home, in every room. Therefore, making them smart can give us more options, have greater flexibility and even make them use less electricity and save.

The smart bulbsThey are economical devices and very easy to use. Although you will find multiple models, their operation is similar. You will be able to program the on and off, control them from your mobile, adjust the brightness or even link them to other devices you have at home.


Something similar happens with plugs. This gives you a wide range of options and it will be the basis for home automation, to turn other devices that we are going to see below into smart ones. They are small devices, also quite economical, that you will be able to distribute anywhere in your home.

Therefore, it is another device that we recommend having home automation. You will be able to control it from your mobile phone, decide when to turn it off or on, see how much an appliance is consuming, etc.

Caring for appliances with a smart plug


You can domotize something as present as the locks. You could open the door of your house simply by using your cell phone. This can be useful in many cases, such as leaving the keys at home, allowing another person to enter your home, even if you are thousands of kilometers away and cannot physically open it, etc.

Mainly, you can use a smart lock for the main door of your house. However, it is something that you will be able to use in any other area of ​​the home or even use smart locks for windows.


Do you use sensors at home? A good idea is to have them smart. For example, if you have a smoke detector, you will be able to purchase one that is intelligent and thus receive alerts on your mobile, no matter where you are. This will help you react as soon as possible and prevent the problem from getting worse.

The same can be said about many other sensors, such as temperature, humidity, air quality… You will be able to obtain all this information anywhere, just by having access to the Internet from your phone.

old appliances

Yes, you do not need to buy the latest model of air conditioning, stove or oven to be able to domotize them. Simply by having a smart plug, you will be able to connect old appliances and have control over them. For example, you could connect a stove to that outlet and be able to turn it on or off remotely, without having to be at home.

This is useful to have greater control over appliances, in addition to even being able to save energy. By knowing at all times how much they consume, you could try different modes and find the one that best suits your goal of saving on your electricity bill each month.

These are some devices that you can home automation at home. As you can see, it is something quite simple and not necessarily expensive. From simply having light bulbs, to using smart plugs to automate other older appliances you may have at home.

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