
Inferno: the game book on Dante Alighieri is available

At the end of this 2021 in which the 700th anniversary of the death of the Supreme Poet Dante Alighieri was celebrated, Watson Editions delights us with the publication of the latest game book created by Alberto Orsini: Hell.

The author, who fans will already know for other game-books like Sherlock Holmes – First with Crime, will immerse us in an interactive adventure of the first canticle of the Divine Comedy.

Inferno by Alberto Orsini is now available

Inferno is a game book created by Alberto Orsini, with the curatorship of Francesco Di Lazzaro And Vincenzo Pratticò in the role of art director who proposes to retrace the Dante adventures of his most famous work, offering a narrative experience that places the reader at the center of the action: we will be the ones with our choices to save the Supreme Poet (and his brother) from eternal damnation.

Here is the synopsis of the book:

Dante Alighieri has just come out of Hell, to see the stars again as we learned it at school, but history is about to change: Francesco Alighieri, his younger brother, has entered the Gate of the Underworld to find and save the great poet! Play both brothers and conduct a double exploration of Hades from two alternating and complementary points of view. Meet the main protagonists of the Comedy, from Virgil to Charon, from Cleopatra to the Minotaur, from Count Ugolino to Paolo and Francesca. Absolute or condemn souls, find traces of Lucifer, read triplets, solve the infernal mysteries and fight the ferocious demons of Malebranche to reunite Dante and Francesco. One will be armed only with cunning and its prose, the other with courage and legendary weapons. But be careful! In Hell nothing is what it seems and behind every tongue of fire, every cascade of blood and every damned soul can hide a mortal trap. In this gamebook, the prava soul is you!

In short, it seems that there are all the elements for a really interesting game book! For example, we will play the role not only of Dante but also of his brother, so as to travel the crossroads of the adventure following two different points of view.

The volume is already available on the publisher’s website and on the main online stores. Try it and let us know what you think!

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