
Why your VPN works worse on mobile

Reasons why the VPN is worse on mobile

You may be wondering why VPN works better on desktop than on mobile. You can see that when using it on your phone it is slow, it has cuts or it even costs you to connect to the servers. There are several reasons so this can happen and we will explain the generals. It is a relatively common thing.

worst connection

The first reason is because the mobile usually has worst connection from Internet. With a computer we can connect by cable or use Wi-Fi but by having a more powerful network card, we will have fewer problems. The coverage will be better and that will also make the VPN more stable and we will be able to browse without interruptions.

Instead, a mobile phone is more limited. Think that on many occasions you are going to connect to mobile data. Maybe you have 3G coverage and it’s not very powerful. As soon as you connect this type of application you can see that it starts to get worse, problems using browsers like Chrome and, ultimately, less quality.

Something similar happens if you connect via Wi-Fi. Generally, phones tend to have a worse wireless connection and sometimes they are not dual band. The speed will be lower and you will not be able to reach a great speed.

Security differences in a VPN

Apps with the most problems

You should also keep in mind that for mobile there are many applications VPNs that are not good. You will find a large number of free options, but not all of them will work correctly and many can even be a real danger to your security and privacy.

That in the case of the computer is different. Although it is true that we can run into programs that do not work well anyway, this is more likely to happen on mobile phones. It is more common that we end up installing a tool without taking a good look at how it works, and that can sometimes bring us major problems.

Lower device performance

Another aspect to mention is that mobile devices have less quality. They will have a more limited ability to run applications and have them function properly. An example is the use of VPN. As they have less overall capacity, they can perform less well and not offer good quality when surfing the net.

This will also be linked to the type of program we use. Some will be more mobile-optimized, while others will perform less well. In the end it is a sum that can make it go better or worse.

In short, as you can see there are some reasons why the VPN is worse on mobile. This does not mean that it is a bad idea to use this type of program, but rather that it is convenient to choose very well which one to use. Preventing the VPN from disconnecting and working well on mobile will make the connection go much better.

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