The Artificial intelligence will be the main responsible for innovation in the future. This is believed by 95% of technology leaders who have participated in a survey conducted last October by the IEEE. In the survey carried out by this non-profit organization, approximately 20% of those who answered say that Artificial Intelligence and machine learning (21%), cloud computing (20%) and 5G (17%) will be the most important technologies during the next year 2022.
The study, conducted among 350 CIOs, CTOs and IT directors, among other technology managers from organizations with more than 1,000 employees around the world, was conducted in countries such as the United States, United Kingdom, China, India and Brazil. Among the sectors of the companies for which the managers surveyed work are banking and financial services, consumer goods, education, electronics, engineering, energy, government, health care, insurance, retail, technology and telecommunications.
Respondents say that as a result of the pandemic andn their companies the adoption of cloud computing accelerated in 60% of the cases, as well as Artificial Intelligence and machine learning by 51%. Also of the adoption of 5G, which happened in 46%.
Among its missions is the examination of the technologies that will be most important in 2022, which we have already seen, the sectors that will receive a greater impact from technology in this coming year, and the technology trends that are already anticipated to be the most relevant. throughout the next decade.
The sectors expected to experience the greatest impact and disruption from technology in the coming year are manufacturing (25%), financial services (19%), healthcare (16%) and energy (13%). As for the key technological trends for the next decade, as we have mentioned, it will be Artificial Intelligence that will cause the most impact. In addition, 81% of those questioned agree that, over the next five years, 25% of what they do will be improved by the action of robots.
Additionally, 77% point out that robots will be deployed in their organizations in the same time frame to improve virtually all business functions, from sales and human resources to marketing and technology. Another 78% believe that, in the next 10 years, half or more of what they do will be improved by robots.