
Elon Musk gets the green light to test his mind control implants? in humans

And it is that, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved that it can launch a clinical study in humans on brain chips.

How does it work?

Everything would go hand in hand NeuralinkElon Musk’s company designed for a cybernetic future along with brain implants.

They had already been tested on apeswith enough criticism, however, thanks to the FDA, now they can be tested directly on humans, something that, at least to me, is not very funny.

According to Elon, this will greatly help progress on the project, however, he does not talk about the risks that being the “guinea pig” can entail. And it is that, the purpose of the matter is good, since, supposedly, that chip implanted in the brain, It would improve our cognitive abilities.

His challenge is that people with vision, mobility or any other physical limitation can recover thanks to this implant. I imagine that for a blind person this is very exciting news, if he really is capable of restoring his vision, I am sure he will let himself be put.

But keep in mind that he also wants to be the first to launch a rocket that can land safely for the occupants, and thus be able to reach Mars, and yet his tests so far have been unsuccessful, both have ended with the rocket to pieces, therefore, at least for now, I would not put this new invention on my head, although every person who does, as Musk says, will achieve a great advance for the rest of the universe, since it is not the same testing on animals rather than directly on people.

monkey with brain chip

One of the tests performed on a monkey it consisted of getting him to play a video game with his mind, through a chip implemented in his head. the challenge worked, this chimpanzee managed to move a cursor just by thinking about it, which gave many expectations of how far he could go. However, in recent years not many more advances have been made to think that it will be something miraculous in a short time. Although it must be said that if a person with paralysis is able to move their hands with their mind, it would already be a great achievement.

Now that they can test it on us, we’ll see if the breakthroughs happen more quickly or if it’s all just a failed project attempt, and what seemed like a medical and technological breakthrough will simply be a flop.

For now we have to wait, according to Neuralink this year we will already have the first results on the chips in humans, so we will be very aware of the new news and developments that may be on this subject. I don’t imagine they get it and see such a feat one day when we get up. It would be one of the most important advances we have undergone in decades. But for now, it’s time to dream and wait.

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