
Pixelmator Pro warns that it will soon have video editing support and brings a Black Friday offer

Pixelmator Pro

You may have noticed that it is not Friday today, but it is that the famous Black Friday offers are no longer dedicated to a single day. There are companies that do, but the normal thing is that this lasts a whole week. That’s good for us because we can benefit from different promotions and the one that can’t be missed is Pixelmator Pro. As every year around this time, the macOS application that really overshadows Photoshop is on sale. we have the opportunity to You can buy it now at half price. But this year it comes with one more surprise. The App for video editing is being prepared.

As every year when the end of November approaches, Black Friday appears and what was a day full of discounts has already become a week full of sales and the possibility of finding physical and virtual items at more affordable prices. It may be that in some cases it is not necessary to wait a whole year, but if you were in doubt whether to purchase a certain product or not, now with these discounts, it is most likely that you opt for it.

If you like image editing, surely you know Pixelmator Pro. And surely you have the application and if you don’t have it, you will, because right now the App is at a 50% discount on the normal price. But the best is not only this. Is that, In addition, the company has announced that soon we will have the possibility of editing video in the same application.

The next major update to Pixelmator Pro will allow you to edit videos using your favorite image editing tools and create stunning moving designs using video layers. With this update, Pixelmator Pro will be more powerful than ever, and we can’t wait for you to try it out.

Now for 23.99 euros

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