
The best apps and websites to know the state of the air in your city

With the arrival of the first, the pollen begins to circulate freely, seriously affecting citizens who are allergic and forcing them to check the air condition of our city before leaving home. This information can also be very helpful, as it also allows you to know, practically in real time, the air quality at all times, including pollution levels. (

The ICA, National Air Quality Index, is the method used to quickly and easily check the air quality of the measurement stations distributed throughout the Spanish territory. This index is complemented with data from the Atmospheric Surveillance Service to offer the most accurate information at all times.

Air quality levels are classified into 6 states and each one is represented by a different color:

  • good (blue)
  • Reasonably good (green)
  • regular (yellow)
  • Unfavorable (red)
  • Very unfavorable (maroon)
  • Extremely unfavorable (purple)

Once we have the meaning of the different colors used to represent the state and air quality, below, we show you the best applications and websites to consult this information before leaving home or if we notice any symptoms that may be related to this.

The time is is one of the best options currently available to find out both the weather and forecast, as well as the air quality of our location. Through this website, which is also available as an application for iOS and Android mobiles, we can find out, using the aforementioned color codes, the air quality index and the pollen index.

The time is

Regarding pollen, it shows us information about the types of pollen and its current level so that we can make the appropriate decisions if we are allergic to any of the pollen circulating in the environment at that time.

Weather and Climate - ElTiempo is
Weather and Climate - ElTiempo is

The time is
The time is

Ministry for Ecological Transition

Another interesting option that we have at our disposal to know the air quality at all times, we find it on the website of the Ministry for Ecological Transition, which we can access through the following link.

Air quality

From that website, we can see the air quality index throughout Spain. We can get closer to our location using the mouse wheel to know more accurate data. In the upper left part, a legend is shown that allows us to identify what the colored dots mean without having to know their meaning beforehand.

World Air Quality Index

Through this website, you can find all the information in real time about air quality and pollen levels in the environment. We can move around the map using the mouse to know the air quality of our city or nearby cities.

Air quality real time

In addition, at the bottom, it offers us a legend that allows us to quickly know what the color code shown means. This website offers us information on air quality in more than 130 countries through data obtained from more than 30,000 weather stations.

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