
This is how you download hundreds of free books to your Kindle without paying more on Amazon

It is more than likely that many of you already have an electronic book reader, such as the Amazon Kindle or any other. These allow you to read a huge number of ebooks, some paid and others free.

It is worth mentioning that if something characterizes these hardware devices that we are talking about, it is their small size and storage capacity. And it is that in a product somewhat larger than a mobile phone, we can store thousands of books and always carry it with us. The difference with respect to those moments in which we have to transport a couple of books on paper is important. This is something that is especially evident in terms of comfort.

However, there are still many who prefer the old ways and continue to read conventional books, which is totally respectable. However, little by little ebooks or electronic books are gaining market penetration and importance, although at a much slower pace than originally expected. Earlier we talked about the Kindle, perhaps the best-known reading device in the world. This is manufactured by Amazon, a platform that today is a giant of electronic commerce, but which began its journey as a book store. In fact, at this moment it offers us a good number of titles without having to pay an additional price for them, let’s see how to get hold of them.

Amazon Prime Reading

For this we have the possibility to use Amazon Prime Reading. Thanks to this modality that the electronic commerce giant offers us, we have access to hundreds of books to download directly to our Kindle without spending a single additional euro. It must be taken into account that all those who are subscribed to Amazon Prime can take advantage of these titles for free.

Amazon Prime Reading

We should not confuse this service that Amazon offers us with that of Kindle Unlimited, since this second does force us to pay almost 10 euros in addition to the Prime subscription as such. In addition, it is important to know that the titles available here are renewed from time to time so that we can enjoy new electronic books to read at no additional cost.

Other ways to read free ebooks

But at the same time we must take into consideration that we have other ways in the form of platforms and websites that allow us to read for free. Obviously, here we are referring to platforms that we access from our favorite Internet browser, and that offer us this content in a completely legal way.

They allow us to download thousands of royalty free books to our reading devices to enjoy them in a matter of seconds. These are some of the most interesting options that you can use today.

  • Miguel de Cervantes virtual library: this is one of the best proposals if we are looking for free e-books in Spanish. It has a search engine by author or title.
  • Project Gutenberg: here we find a web full of these contents with more than 40,000 titles to his credit. These are in several languages, including Spanish.
  • Lektu: another interesting alternative is this where you can find both free and paid books. All of them belonging to multiple themes to choose from.

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