internet explorer It has been the browser that has been present in the last 27 years to a greater or lesser extent. Although over time it has been losing strength, the truth is that many users still used it today. And that is exactly what they take into account. cyber criminals and they will continue to attack and set their sights there to steal data or access a device. Let’s explain this issue.
Cybercriminals look at Internet Explorer
In recent days we have seen the news of the end of Internet Explorer. Logically, it does not come as a surprise, since years ago Microsoft began to put its resources into Edge and gradually put this program aside. However it does not end there. Not at least for the moment. And that opportunity will take advantage of hackers.
Why is this happening? Many organizations still use Internet Explorer. Although they have had time to make a transition and use other options, in many cases this has not been the case. Microsoft is aware of this and has kept the IE MSHTML (or Trident) browser engine as a feature of Windows until 2029 (for now). What does this mean? Those organizations or users that continue to use this browser will be able to run IE mode. It basically means that it hasn’t completely disappeared.
This is something that happens in certain countries especially. Spain is not a significant case, since the market share here is very small. But in other nations, such as Japan or South Korea, some important organizations still used this browser.
Hackers will be on the prowl to try exploit vulnerabilities unpatched or they will start to emerge from now on. They will have an opportunity to steal data or sneak some malware through Internet Explorer. The fact that Microsoft allows running IE mode on Edge until 2029 means to experts that many will continue to use Internet Explorer in this way and could be in danger.
Stay away from Internet Explorer, the most sensible option
Therefore, we can say that stopping using Internet Explorer through the IE mode that Microsoft allows in Edge is the best thing to do. It is the only way to be truly protected, to not have any problems either in the short term or in the long term when bugs and vulnerabilities begin to appear that are not corrected.
It should also be borne in mind that Internet Explorer has had quite a few zero day vulnerabilities in the last times. This indicates that it is likely that flaws of this type will continue to appear and that at any time a cybercriminal could exploit them to carry out a computer attack.
The best thing, as we say, is to stop using programs of this type, obsolete and without support, even though there is the possibility of using them through modes or forcing their use. There are many safe browser alternatives on the Internet. You will be able to choose any other and thus avoid complications.