
7 details you didn’t see from the trailer for Eternals, the next Marvel thing

The remainder of 2021 promises to be quite hectic on the part of Marvel. The firm has several releases on the verge of candy and fans are eager to consume audiovisual stories from their favorite publisher. With such a combination we can only hope for a good reception for proposals such as the film Eternals, a film that will see the light in just over two months and of which a few days ago we could see its final trailer. Now it’s time to enjoy it as it deserves, in detail, stopping at certain points that perhaps you were unaware of or in which you had not fallen. Be comfortable.

Eternals Final Preview

The movie Eternals will hit theaters on November 5 and Marvel Studios has not wanted to beg for more. After a first advance that left us with a very good taste in our mouths and in which they focused rather on the origins of the Eternals and on showing us that quiet life which they had enjoyed for centuries, now comes a trailer with much more action and that finally raises the common thread of the plot: as a result of the Blip of Endgame, something has been unbalanced in our Earth and the Eternals will have to « come out of hiding »to take action on the matter.

Eternals - Marvel - Eternals

We finally see all the protagonists of the film, the Deviants and even Kit Harington, who appeared in the teaser for just 2 seconds. We also get to the idea of ​​the tone of the film, where it is intuited that we will enjoy a good soundtrack, well-kept images and quite epic confrontations. A much more solemn tone than the one we usually see in other films in the house, in keeping with the magical status of the characters and with the style of its director, Chloè Zhao.

Trailer of Eternals in VOSE

Eternals trailer in Spanish

Movie trailer details

After reviewing the final trailer of the film, we have to look at the most curious details that perhaps you have missed something (or you have not been able to identify). We could spend hours, reeling off each frame, so we have stayed with the 7 most outstanding points that you should keep in mind with this new trailer.

There is time frame

Something that we often doubt about Marvel films is their time frame: until we see the film or some producer or actor talks about it, we are not clear at what moment the events happen. With this trailer that doubt is cleared from minute 1.

Eternals - Marvel - Eternals

And is that Ajak (-if you don’t want to get lost, here’s who’s who in Eternals-) comments that “five years ago, Thanos eliminated half the population.” The characters therefore share a temporal moment close to the Endgame Blip and everything that happened in Scarlet Witch and Vision.

What is The Emergence?

The snap of Tony Stark’s Gauntlet caused not only half the population to return to Earth; it was also the origin of El Surgimiento. But what exactly does that mean? Officially we do not have data on what consequences this event has but there are two theories about it.

The first raises that talk about the Deviant release. In the Marvel comics, these are found underground, after the Celestials forced them to seclude themselves there for centuries. Now they would have a chance to get out of this seclusion, the Eternals having “seven days” to avoid absolute disaster.

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The other possibility, closely linked to the previous one, is that El Surgimiento refers to the arrival of the Celestials to Earth for his final judgment upon the release of the Deviants. Ultimately, the Eternals must be in charge of fighting against the threat of these villains and if the celestials consider that they have failed in this mission and that our planet is too great a threat to the rest of the universe, they could take drastic action on the matter. The “seven days” that they have leeway to act and to which Ajak refers at the beginning of the trailer would be the time they have since they have seen that the Deviants have freed themselves until their “superiors” arrive and take charge of the situation. .

Connection with the Celestials

At one point, all the Eternals are seen gathered, in a circle, around a huge red figure. It is, how could it be otherwise, a Celestial, specifically Arishem the Judge, with which our teams are communicating through Ajak -which is the one that has the capacity to do so. Are they asking for help or receiving an ultimatum about the end of civilization?

Eternals - Marvel - Eternals

Whose ship is this?

You may have been struck by the appearance of an imposing black ship that appeared both in the first trailer and in this final trailer. Is about the ship of the Eternals, with which they arrived on our planet and that they continue to use as a refuge and control center, as we will presumably see in the film.

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The Deviants and their various forms

Although in the Marvel comics the Deviants are more like mutated humanoids, on the big screen we will see that this species takes very different forms and more like “beasts”. And it is that as seen in the trailer, the Eternals will have to fight as creatures like giant lizards that emerge from the sea and that impress equally, of that there is no doubt.

Eternals - Marvel - Eternals

Of course, we will have an important exception: Kro, let’s say that the villain The main character, that although it does not look like what is seen on paper, it has a more ¿human aspect? thus giving it a special character and superior to the rest of Deviants.

Who is Kro?

Kro is a Deviant and, therefore, carries alterations in his genetic code that make him special and potentially dangerous. Among its powers is its great longevity and resistance to attacks. In the comics, Kro has always led the Deviants’ baton and it seems that in this movie he will also be a big villain of the plot.

Eternals - Marvel - Eternals

In the video trailer we see how it has caught between its long tentacles to Thena, with which he had a romance in the comics – we do not know if in the film adaptation we will see any allusion to this relationship.

Not all are Eternal

In the film, in addition to the Deviants and the Eternals, we have a certain character who does not belong to either of these two groups. We refer, of course, to Black night interpreted by Kit harington (Jon Snow in Game of Thrones).

Black Knight is one of the oldest Marvel characters and in the comics, indeed, he comes to have a relationship with the Eternals, especially with one of them, Sersi. In the trailer we see precisely how he reproaches this for the ignorance that these creatures did when Thanos appeared on Earth or in any great catastrophe that has taken place throughout the history of mankind.

Eternals - Marvel - Eternals

From the images we see that he is in London (in the Camden neighborhood), where by the way he also meets Sprite and a strange moment takes place in which he surrounds himself with clones of this Eternal and Sersi to avoid an attack (¿ of a Deviant?). You have to be very careful because the sequence shown is very short – minute 1:56.

Did you notice any other detail that is worth noting? Leave it in the comments!

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