The launch of the iPhone 15 is getting closer, and this implies that the mass production phase of said terminal will begin very soon. During that stage, Foxconn workers they will have to face very intense and hard daysand this will mean higher levels of stress that could end up taking a physical and psychological toll on the employees who are within the production chain.
It’s not a secret, working conditions at Foxconn have never really been acceptable. The company has had to face various scandals, in fact one of the most recent ended with workers escaping through windows and with the police having to intervene to bring some order. The fact is that this time it seems that the company has learned its lesson, even if only partially, since it has committed to improving working conditions.
It is important to keep in mind that this improvement is not disinterested, quite the opposite. Foxconn knows how important it is to have everything in order for the iPhone 15 mass production stage to go as planned, and that is why it wants to avoid any protest by offering certain improvements that make work days a little more bearable. According to the source of this information, among the improvements that Foxconn will offer workers are some improved bathrooms and bedrooms, and higher quality air conditioning.
With this they hope to also improve the living conditions of the workers who reside within the factory itself, something that obviously could prevent protests and improve the productivity levels of the workers. On the other hand, it is also rumored that Foxconn is offering financial incentives in the form of bonuses to attract new workers, something that makes sense because the company will need to get some 84 million units of the iPhone 15.
The production of said terminal in all its variants has forced Foxconn to improve your production line, and this will be distributed in an 80-20 ratiothat is, 80% of its productive capacity will be used to carry out that objective and the remaining 20% It will be reserved for emergencies.