
Has your password been stolen? This is the website that you should always have on hand to check it

Almost every week, news is published about a security breach that friends of the alien have used to steal the credentials of millions of users, data that ends up on the Dark Web that is generally sold to the highest bidder and is use for steal accountsespecially those that may include paid content, such as Steam accounts, Apple, Google, Microsoft and others.

The problem is that when this happens, not all companies inform their customers on time. And when they do, they usually send a generic email. inviting us to change the password, regardless of whether we are included in the data that has been stolen or not. In these cases, we wonder if it is really worth using secure password generators, since it seems that their only function is to make it difficult for us to remember passwords and not to offer protection against friends of strangers.

If we want to be really sure if the password of our email account or of any other platform that we regularly use, has been leaked and is circulating freely on the Internet, it is not necessary to be aware of receiving an email from the corresponding email in our email account. service provider, since we can make use of the web Have I Been Pwned.

Check that our password has not been leaked

The term pwned is mainly used in the gaming world when an enemy has been defeated/humiliated. Through the Have I Been Pwned website, we can check, by entering the email address, we can know if it is in any of the different security breaches that have allowed foreign friends to get hold of our account from any platform.

leaked password

The operation of this website is very simple. We just have to enter in the search box the email address whose integrity we want to know and if it is in the data that has been stolen from the servers of a platform. We can also introduce our phone number to check if this is also in a leak.

Right at the bottom of that box, it shows if our email or phone number has been compromised in a leak. If we want to know the exact details of the leak, we just have to subscribe to the platform to show all the data related to it.

leaked password

The information that it shows us tells us when the hack happened and what type of data has been compromised. In addition, when subscribing, if our account is compromised again in a leak, we will automatically receive an email with the details of the website where it occurred so that we can take the corresponding security measures and change the password.

leaked password

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