
He plays GTA V on his Game Boy thanks to a smart cartridge

A gamer with his hands has managed to build a smart cartridge for Game Boy that allows him to play GTA V on the retro console.

Recently, the Game Boy was the center of attention following a virtual exhibition dedicated to shots taken with the Game Boy Camera. Today the console is back in a new quirky news story thanks to a fan who managed to play GTA V on the portable console. In a video, he explains how this is possible, although the end result is not the most optimized.

First, it distinguishes between two things. Although he plays GTA V on the console, it’s actually not her who runs the game. Indeed, he explains that the title is in fact broadcast on the console, which allows him to play with the controls of the Game Boy, but it is a PlayStation console that runs the game. This is due to a special cartridge that he built himself that allows the two devices to be connected via the Wi-Fi connection. Here is a brief overview of the process shared by the user.

gta v game boy
Credits: There oughta be

For the details, he explains them in length, breadth and across in his blog article devoted to the realization of this Wi-Fi cartridge. This technique does not only allow him to play at GTA V. Indeed, a multitude of titles are compatible, as well as classic video formats. For example, he managed to play the first Matrix movie on the Game Boy screen, which he describes as ” the way in which [le film] should be seen”.

“At least the colorimetry seems to be appropriate. »

Play GTA V yes, but at what cost?

From YouTube to cinema, via Crysis games, the user demonstrates that it is possible to do everything with his cartridge… except for audio. Indeed, the whole thing is sorely lacking in sound, and, although you could watch a film on the console, without the dialogues the whole thing risks quickly becoming incomprehensible.

In addition, it should be noted that the visual quality is faithful to what one can expect from a classic Game Boy, namely a green screen and pixelated. And yet, the set runs at 120 fps, which is rather fluid knowing that the videos are also transmitted in full resolution.

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